All The Things I Feel…

" It really warms the cockles of my heart when I hear an album by an artist that is made for the sheer pleasure of loving and playing music! Michael Hart is that type of artist sitting on the stairs with his dog and his guitar his hand on the front cover of his new CD "All The Things I Fell But Didn't Know How to Say". He plays through an assortment of instrumental tunes with great ability and technique. Playing mostly acoustic guitar on this CD, he may never outsell the likes of Lady Gaga but this boy can play! So if you like guitar picking this instrumental album is worth checking out!"

- Frankie Neilson, Beatmerchant Record Store, Steveston Village, 604-204-0044. The Beat Merchant Published in the Steveston Community Society Newspaper, April 2011.

Michael Hart Music

- Frankie Neilson, Beatmerchant Record Store, Steveston Village, 604-204-0044. The Beat Merchant Published in the Steveston Community Society Newspaper, April 2011.

" It really warms the cockles of my heart when I hear an album by an artist that is made for the sheer pleasure of loving and playing music! Michael Hart is that type of artist sitting on the stairs with his dog and his guitar his hand on the front cover of his new CD "All The Things I Fell But Didn't Know How to Say". He plays through an assortment of instrumental tunes with great ability and technique. Playing mostly acoustic guitar on this CD, he may never outsell the likes of Lady Gaga but this boy can play! So if you like guitar picking this instrumental album is worth checking out!"
Michael Hart Music

